The Poet’s Corner - Greetings

What an unexpected name for the name of a game designer’s personal blog, huh?

Well let’s make it today’s topic of conversation, shall we? :D

Let’s drink our metaphorical cup of tea. Great movie by the way.

Let’s drink our metaphorical cup of tea. Great movie by the way.

Not many of my friends and family know, but I really enjoy writing poetry. It’s something that comes naturally to me and really helps me express what I’m feeling. Please note this does not mean I’m a closet poet (if that’s a real term), I simply don’t usually get the chance to bring it up in casual conversation and don’t go out my way to do so.

So there you have it. I enjoy poetry and would like to share some of my poem’s with you whenever I have a chance.

Regrettably, as the clock is ticking and I really want to publish this on Monday. I will have to share one I wrote previously rather than writing a new one.

The song I never showed you

The tears show in my face,

Looking at the empty space,

Playing the songs we shared,

I feel your embrace.

As fate would have it,

I took it I admit,

That song of yours,

The set of scores.

I made it my own,

That much I know,

But then why?

Why the goodbye?

I regret the symphony,

My strange epiphany,

Our work you never knew,

A promise I make to you.

If you can no longer hear my song,

May the world heed my word,

An encore filled with blessings,

A song that will reach the heavens.

Thanks for reading. See you next week!


Image taken from:


Head of Writing and Programming


The Placed Note-Writer’s block


Weekly Update – The New Blogs