The Placed Note-Writer’s block

For musicians it’s always a big rush of emotion when a new song is written. And commonly writing or composing music can be very fast or vice versa. However, there are also times in which there are no ideas and the mind seems to be a desert when it comes to inspiration and ideas.


And guess what… that is completely fine. It is ok for all of us artists to sometimes have no clue of what to do and here are 3 ideas that may help you get out of such

#1 Listen to music out of your common playlist

This helps because you get to listen to new sounds and concept which may inspire you and give you a few ideas to use.

#2 Don’t play your instrument and try a new one

I know it sounds a little crazy… but there is no instrument that you will play the same and the same melodic line or chord progression can change drastically in another instrument

#3 Distract and focus on something else for a while.

Sometime you just need to have your mind in another place for a little while and reading may be a good option.

These tips may be few but sometimes the simplest of things takes you very far.


Todays recommendation is “Revolve” by Danger Danger, a great rock album to listen from start to finish.



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The Poet’s Corner - Greetings