Weekly Update – The New Blogs

Hello everyone!

As promised we will be writing a weekly update on how we are doing, so you know what's coming in our work.

I do have to say we won't tell you absolutely everything, as we love to surprise you, but enough so you get excited for the work we do and, most importantly, know we are still working on making the games you enjoy.

For now we are working on the Alpha Release of our current game “Tower of Myth”, but I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about our blog and it's current schedule:

  • Monday: The Poet’s Corner. Co-Founder Ryan Munoz' blog. Mostly a more intimate space to talk about himself and topics he is currently thinking about.

  • Friday: Co-Founder Hector Camberos' blog. As you can see on the prior entry, it will have an emphasis on music and a weekly recommendation on an album he enjoys.

  • Sunday: Weekly Update. A summary on things Story Dev Team has done this week (minimal spoilers) or important notices, like this one.

Note that if special events or circumstances happen, the days will not always be kept. Like this post which could have been released yesterday, but I was happily celebrating Mother's day with my Mother and Grandma (Happy Mother's day to yours too :D ).

Additionally, every now and then other other team members like Melanie or Steve might choose to write a post, but have no set days like the previously mentioned one.

Finally as some posts like this one can be long I shall keep a tl;dr (too long;didn't read) summary at the bottom.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have an excellent week!

tl;dr: New blog posts every Monday, Friday and Sunday. For specifics read bullet points.


Head of Writing and Programming


The Poet’s Corner - Greetings


The Placed Note-Hi!