Weekly Update

Hey Everyone!

Don’t you love it when things work out? Well that was this week for us.

What we set as a goal this week was not only met but surpassed! What was a ‘good chunk’ of the prologue last week became but a small piece of this week’s final version. We had a lot of fun in social media and focused on what we needed.


  • Prologue gamescript is completed and revised! Chapter 1 is being mapped out.

  • In music, I quote, “There has been a lot of research into the application of extended chords using 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, 13ths to create a different effects. Also there was an exploration of the body of work of Joe Hisaishi, Howard Shore and John Williams”. Short Version: Lots of valuable research towards new songs.

  • Had cool insightful social media posts.

  • Have very cool cartoon version of ourselves. :)

  • Have a cool picture for weekly updates, all previous ones were updated as well.

I have to particularly recognize Melanie’s amazing effort this week, the art for all the social media posts was top notch and I’m happy I have a cartoon counterpart.

Thank you so much for reading this message, tune in next week to see what we are up to.


Head of Writing and Programming


The Poet’s Corner - My Favorite Book


The Placed Note-Being Self-Taught