Weekly Update

Hello everyone!

This week was very productive work wise. I’m really happy with what we are doing and how we did a lot despite Hector’s important exam and my weekend (which you can read all about in https://www.storydevteam.com/updates/tpc/14 )

So I can say this week I was pretty much like this:

With the smile and all.

With the smile and all.

For Hector’s part, he managed to keep working all while studying for his school exams. So I’d have to say he was more like this:

Rocking it out with books open

Rocking it out with books open

Disclaimer: Hector says he felt prepared and was confident on the exams and predicts the results he’ll get next week will reflect that.


  • New gameplay feature successfully coded and running.

  • New Prologue (following the major story overhaul) fully scripted, designed and 15% done.

  • Made the transcript for "Broken Guitar Lick". (Don’t worry you’ll understand once you play it).

  • Working on the arrangement for the background music.

Thanks for being so pacient. I really look forward to showing you the best alpha we can make :D .

Thank you so much for reading this message, tune in next week to see what we are up to.


Working from desk: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Black_Man_Working_at_his_Desk_Cartoon_Vector.svg/800px-Black_Man_Working_at_his_Desk_Cartoon_Vector.svg.png

School of Rock: https://screenanarchy.com/assets/2017/08/School%20of%20Rock_4.jpg


Head of Writing and Programming


The Placed Note-Projects and Perseverance


The Poet’s Corner -Suki’s Birthday, Coming of Age and Melanie’s Cupcakes