The Poet’s Corner -Suki’s Birthday, Coming of Age and Melanie’s Cupcakes

Welcome to the poet’s corner!

Today I wanted to talk about my eventful weekend, which is mostly the reason why I’m posting this on Monday instead of my usual Friday.

This weekend was very fulfilling. After a lot of work on the game, a lot of family events and moments came up. So I’d thought it would be best to divide it up by days. Heads up, for my family and I Friday afternoon counts as part of the weekend.


The living proof bad publicity is still publicity…

The living proof bad publicity is still publicity…

Saturday was a very important day, Suki’s 12th Birthday!

Unlike Caramel, Suki is not very fond of the doggy cake, so instead she got served a lot of meat, treats and got her way with basically anything she wanted. She wants to be held, she was held. She wanted us to play with her, we dropped everything to play with her. Note that recently if she is laying down and we are going for a walk she growls and bites because she doesn’t want to move, but we take her anyway since she needs the exercise. After a few meters of walking she happily hops around and actually enjoys it, but getting out there is a daily struggle. So that day she didn’t want to be moved and we left her as is.

Since she believes in staying at home, she didn’t have a big party with her neighborhood friends coming over. Overall, Suki was pretty calm and wanted a chill birthday. Suki had a real fun time, but didn’t want to take pictures that day. So I left her a congratulations on FB (yes she has a profile, congrats if you find it). Since having a post about Suki without the pictures and decided to share a happy Suki Picture with you all instead:

Obligatory Happy Suki Picture

Obligatory Happy Suki Picture


This was the day of Hector’s big exams, so as soon as I woke I sent him an encouraging message. Afterwards, I worked on some designs and sketched some level features. After coding for a few hours, I thought that was enough work for the day and proceeded to play some Resident Evil 2 remake my friend Juan was kind enough to lend me.

I’ll have you know that when I was much younger I played a Resident Evil game which ended up being one of those scary childhood traumas that thankfully didn’t carry over into adulthood. If memory serves it was the GameCube “remaster” of Resident Evil 2. So I was not familiar with the controller I got eaten by a zombie, which led a few unpleasant nightmares. So the point of this long detour, it’s that it was a pretty big deal for me back then, so playing the HD remake was a pretty cool coming of age moment, which I’m sure my childhood self would be real proud of.

What I felt like when playing RE 2

What I felt like when playing RE 2

Additionally, my sister came by and she watched as I played. We use to do this a lot when we were younger, as she really enjoys watching games with story, and I was glad I had the company: someone to talk to you about what I was doing, while sharing the joy of overcoming a hard level or section.

The mood was so great we lost track of time, and it ended getting pretty late, so I decided to leave it at that and go to sleep.


My Aunt and Uncle came over in their motor home, on their way to celebrate my Uncle’s Birthday. Their main purpose of the stop was to leave some stuff and say hi to my grandma. Since my Uncle’s birthday is on August 20, my mom decided to make him some ‘Pozole’ for everyone and a serving of ‘Chile Relleno’ just for him, the former which my mom makes really well and the latter which is his favorite Mexican dish. So they came over and after taking care of the hygiene protocols needed in these times, we had a chat and shared the Pozole. Afterwards, my uncle got his ‘Chile Relleno’ which he ate real quickly and said he really enjoyed.

Pretty much like this one (forgot to take a pic hahaha)

Pretty much like this one (forgot to take a pic hahaha)

My sister Melanie had prepared some red velvet cupcakes for my uncle, so as he went to the bathroom we put a candle is his cupcake.

Ready to sing Happy Birthday, he calls my mom over and then they both call me. Turns out the water on the bathroom sink was running slowly because they was some stuff clogged in a piece I wasn’t aware you could remove. He taught me how to remove it and after cleaning it, we put it back on and I had a level up on my plumbing skill. After that was done and our hands clean, my sister gave everyone a cupcake and we sang ‘Happy birthday’. He then took more cupcakes, which he and my aunt were very happy about. Finally, he left a large ladder we need to trim the palm trees in the garden and one of those rollers where you can sit for my Grandma, which she really needed.

And that was all that happened. I had a great weekend and I’m glad I got to share it with you all!

And now this week’s poem:



Light escapes my eyes,

The blood makes a trail,

My body begins to collapse,

Yet my hearing does not fail.

“Nature’s Blessing,

hear my prayer,

stop death’s caressing,

his parting spare!”

A heartbreaking moan,

Uncontrollable wailing,

“Please don’t leave me alone”.

My spirit prevailing.

Never forget me,

The wish you were expressing,

Your Heart’s plea,

For I am the true Nature’s Blessing.


Thanks for reading.

I wish you the best, see you next week!


Head of Writing and Programming


Weekly Update


Weekly Update!