Weekly Update

Hello everyone!

This week I had a lot of fun! Changing stuff you had to fit a new concept took some time, but reminded what I love about writing: How it all fits together.

Me all this week

Me all this week

Hector has subtly pressured into pushing the boundaries of what he considers music thanks to the writing changes, so he’s been having fun with that.

I really can’t wait to show you the fruits of our work, but since I believe it’s better to give you something worth the valuable you’ll be investing in our game, I’ll keep working hard to give you a great game.


  • Dealing with the plot and scene changes, re-writing many of them.

  • Worked on 3 new riffs for forward use.

  • Working on a “song which is not a song”. Yep that’s the level of the changes we are going through hahaha!

  • Testing new effects a pitch shift to be exact.

So glad everyone came back safe from the historic Space X mission and hope the best for the Perseverance Rover on its way to Mars. May humanity continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Thank you so much for reading this message, tune in next week to see what we are up to.


Kronk Meme: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/561/446/27d.jpg


Head of Writing and Programming


The Poet’s Corner - Why I like Halo 3


The Placed Note-Making Sound Effects