The Placed Note-Making Sound Effects


When this odissey of making music for games started it never crossed my mind how sound effects are created and when I was commisioned to create the sound effects for my games I knew this was uncharted territory and I had no clue on how to do them. Now after much research Im amazed and fascinated with that world

At the beginning I thought it was a single track of the sound in question to have a convincing effect however these came out thin lacking a lot of definition as well as volume. So I decided to conduct a little research and not go into this field without any guidelines.

At some point I stumbled across a video of the sound engineer that created the sounds for the Ice Age saga and I was impressed at how it is not a single sound that is recorded, for instance, a foot on the ground every aspect of it has to be created: the thud of the feet, the grass and such other elements. Im yet to work on new sound but I am excited to create some and see just how creative I can get.

Cheers, Hector

This weeks recommendation is Santana “Supernatural” from 1999



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