The Poet’s Corner -Happy Birthday, Caramel!!!

Welcome to the poet’s corner! This week I…

(Random thought: This guy really looks like the drummer from Nirvana)

(Random thought: This guy really looks like the drummer from Nirvana)

In all seriousness I really struggled for a topic for the blog, as I had nothing in particular that I had to say. So I took a day longer than usual, sorry about that. Maybe I’ve used up my writing creativity for the week in writing for the game! Hahaha.

So I’d thought I’d share with you Caramel’s birthday cake and picture, since she and my sister had such a great time with it.

What a cool hat !

What a cool hat !

Today was her anniversary from being adopted in the animal shelter, so we like to consider this as her Birthday.

With that said, some of you might be thinking: “Is that the only dog you have?”, “What is that cake made of?” or “Where can I get a cool hat like that?”. Well on the topic of dogs, I would like to leave it for next week, since I like keeping you in suspense and totally not because I want to guarantee a topic for next week, ok? The Cake is made of something like powdered dog food, so it’s perfectly safe for her to eat. Finally the hat was made by my sister, which you can contact in case you want one too.

And now this week’s poem:

My Precious time with you

It is in your smiles,

Your warm embrace,

That unique style,

Which make my heart race.

The tears of regret,

Of goals not met,

Situations grown worse,

The fate you curse.

I love it all.

When you fall,

When you stand tall,

The old and the new,

My precious time with you.


Thanks for reading.

I wish you the best, see you next week!


Head of Writing and Programming


Weekly Update


The Placed Note-Music and Fitness