The Poet’s Corner - My First Console

Welcome to the poet’s corner! This week I would like to talk about one of the most important things I had in life: My first video game console.

After many years of visiting friend’s houses, asking my cousin’s for a round and having my mother pull me away from the video showcases in department stores, I received one of the greatest gifts during my birthday. I remember I was having lots of fun with friends and family during a birthday party, many years ago. How many? Sometime after Google was founded but before Britney Spears shaved her head.

Anyway! My uncle arrived with a black plastic bag (weird details you remember as a child), so when it was time to open presents he gave me the bag and…

Yes. One just like this one!

Yes. One just like this one!

There was a brand new Black Gamecube with an extra orange controller. I was so excited I went to hug my uncle, I couldn’t remember the amount of times I asked my parents to get me one and here he was making that wish of mine come true. Turns out my parents were the ones who got me the present, and my uncle brought it since he “knew were to get one”. So I proceeded to hug the hell out of my parents and say thanks to my Uncle in a slightly less excited fashion.

From that moment on many things in my life changed, the first being a growing desire for the party to end so that I could play “Luigi’s Mansion” (part of the gift). Thankfully, my mother anticipated this and said I couldn’t touch the console until the party was over.

Glad nobody ended up like the third kid.

Glad nobody ended up like the third kid.

From then, my love of videogames only grew. I played the hell out of a lot good games which still have a place in my heart. I successfully did more than 12 runs of “Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door”, of which at least 4 were 100%, Beat countless Level 9 CPU’s with 9 handicap on “Smash Bros Meele” and had many friends and sister hate me in “Mario Party 6”. There are many more, but if I mentioned them all then this article would never end.

Thank you for going down the memory lane with me, and now this week’s poem:

Perfect blue

The vast blue,

My window shows,

Of this view,

I have no clue.

Where does it start?

Nature’s art.

Where does it end?

A unique blend.

The beginning of the sky.

The edge of the sea.

The point where they meet,

Matters not,

For it is a sight to behold.

Thanks for reading.

I wish you the best, see you next week!



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