The Poet’s Corner - The Triumphant return of the Code

Happy Dee.png

We’ve come a long waaaaaay…
from where we began.

Oh, I'll tell you all about iiiiiiiit…
when I see you agaiiiiin.

When I see you again.

- “See you again” Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth (2015)

Great song! Heard it again recently, and thought it was quite fitting.

So now… I can finally tell you once again:

Welcome to the Poet’s Corner, my friend.

I missed saying that for so long… I’m real glad to be back :) .

So you must be thinking…

Or rather where were you, Ryan Munoz?

Or rather where were you, Ryan Munoz?

Or if you just joined us you are probably “well not really, but thanks I guess.” In that case, I’m honored you decided to read this. Thank you!

For all the previous readers…

I could act all cool and say “It doesn’t matter! I’m back now.” But…

  1. I’m not that kind of guy.

  2. You are special and deserve an explanation.

So, here goes.:

I wanted to release a game, and stop barking about it.

Yep. That’s it.

I love this blog, and to talk to you, I do it so much that I put a lot of time and effort hoping to make you smile. I love having it around so you put a face (writing? thoughts?) to the guy making the game, and know that I’m an approachable guy who you can tell “man, something weird happened to my game file” and gladly fix it and send it over to you. I realize I don’t always succeed, but I never want it to be for a lack of trying!

Precisely because I value you so much, that I decided I had to stop for some time. (Hahaha, this is starting to sound like a RomCom breakup). I wasn’t working as hard as I wanted to on the game, and wasn’t willing to drop the quality of this blog either.

Things could have gone different:

Believe me. I checked.

Believe me. I checked.

But overall I think it was worth it.

We are days from releasing the Open Beta of Part-Time Myth (yeah, as in you can download it from Google Playstore and share it with your Friends, beta). We got a new CEO… I mean Mascot,. Dee. And I learned so much about Game Design, Drawing, Animation and Programming! I’m excited to show through the games we create.

Yeah, you are part of the games too! It’s a bit awkward to say this, as it’s more of a RomCom goodbye kind of phrase, but here goes:

Thank you. Without your support, I would have never got this far.

And it doesn’t stop there! There is so much more to come, but let us start here: The blog post where I came back with a smile, with a game you and I made together.


And now this week’s poem:



Quite unpredictable,

Strange and nimble,

Rarely working in our favour,

Our eternal savor.

Such is the nature of time,

A poem without rhyme,

Where star-crossed lovers meet,

But don’t go beyond a greet.

Oftentimes we wish,

That with a swish,

The clocks went back,

Or destiny took another path.

But in hindsight,

They were blessings in disguise,

Fortune eventually smiled,

My happiness compiled.

Time was right.

Throughout the night,

The Poet of Laurels,

Began the choral,

With the Abstracted Stargazer,

A true curtain-raiser.


Thanks for reading.

I wish you the best, see you next week!

Y Feliz día de la Candelaria! Apoyen a su tamalero local. :)


Head of Writing and Programming


The Poet’s Corner - The Scraps that became a Game


The Poet’s Corner - The 3 dogs in my house