The Placed Note-Understanding Music in Games


When I began my journey through music with drums and guitar I never once thought that this would be put to use in the development of a videogame ten years down the line.

My discovery of game in music began really at a young age with my first game Banjo Kazooie which had a catchy melody and had me singing it for a while, however, when I began to pay attention to it was with the soundtrack of Alan Wake. My best friend (Ryan check his Blog “The Poet’s Corner”) gave ot to me and from that moment on I began paying attention to every game both from the past and present.

Basically I´ve paid attention to music from movies concentrating on how the arrangement is made, now I think of games as movies and they have become far more interesting than I ever thought they would be

This week’s recommendation is The Defiants Zokusho


The Poet’s Corner - Persona 4 Golden!


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