The Placed Note - Music & Family

Its strange how most of the time we take family time for granted to the point were we might lose valuable moments, because of such mentality, a few days ago I realized that its been 6 months since my uncle and one of the most important musical mentors passed away.

There is so much I would like to live again with him, things I didnt say, lessons that I probably dismissed in the thought that it was his persona bias towards blues guitar and not paying attention when i should have. As painful as these thoughts are, there is also the other side of the coin lessons which changed the way I approached music, showing me what a pentatonic scale was for instance, its tough to think that someone is gone never to be seen in life again.

I think that music is my connection to histeachings and his spirit and eventhough his presence is no longer here is lessons and his legacy of absolute dedication to ones craft whichever it may be is something that i will take as a guiding light in my life.




The Poet’s Corner - The Perfect Noodles


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