The Placed Note - 5 CDs that changed my perception of music

We all have an album which changes the way we live music, In my case several of them and i would propose a small dynamic. I’ll place my top five albums and how each of them altered my way of thinking about music. leave in the comments your own top five

#1 KISS Alive III

This album is from my favourite band i recieved it as a gift when i was aroud 12-14 years old and it was the heaviest version of KISS i heard I enjoyed thoroughly playing to it.

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#2 Danger Danger-Screw It!

This was shown to me by an uncle and I loved it! Its was melodic and very well constructed didn’t miss a beat and it became my ideal of the perfect guitar solo, plus I became a big fan of the band!

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#3 Metallica- Black Album

This one I discoverd at age 13 in a vacation trip and I listened to this album back to back for about a year non stop discovering an amazing heavy guitar and drums. A need to know!


#4 Intervals- A Voice Within

This I discovered through YouTube and wow I was amazed at how complex yet fun this music is my introduction to djent, an aspiration to arrange music in that way and undestanding really complex music.

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#5 MANÁ - Arde el Cielo

This one Introduced me to a snare sound that I´ve been wanting eversince i heard it and taking new concepts, from one of the drummers who I admire Mr. Alex Gonzalez !

Arde el Cielo.jpg

All of these recommendations are my own personal tase and it would be amazing to have some input as to the opinion of you the audience!



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